The hardest part is saying goodbye...
I never thought
I would be writing this blog. This mission has been amazing! It has had its ups
and downs just like every missionary experience has, but I have learned so much
and have met so many wonderful people. I remember the moment that I received my
reassignment. I waited for the page to load and then screamed so loud that the
teacher from the next room came to see if everything was okay! I was so excited
to come to New York! But Rochester? Where is Rochester, well I soon found out
where and all the blessing that came with it. The first day in the
mission we went to the sites. I had no idea that the sacred grove, hill Cumorah
and the Book of Mormon publication site were here. I loved every moment I spent
there and couldn't believe how blessed I was to come and see that as part of my
mission. I have grown to love the sites! I mean they are not really hard to
love they are where God and Jesus Christ appeared to the young prophet Joseph
Smith. There is an amazing spirit there that makes you never want to leave! I
was so blessed to go and serve at the sites over pageant. It was a wonderful
learning experience.
The first area
that I was sent to was Amherst (Buffalo). I loved Buffalo! I met so many
wonderful people and had the opportunity to see the gospel change people and
their lives! I loved every moment there and learned and grew so much even
during the harder times. Then after two transfers there I was transferred to
Brockport. I never thought I would be transferred but God had a plan for me as
he always has. I have learned to love Brockport just as much as Amherst. They
are very different but I love them both!
I love the people
in these areas so much and am truly sad to leave them. Everyone has had a huge
impact in my life. I never thought I would meet so many wonderful people in
such a short amount of time.When I received the phone call that my visa was here I was in complete shock. I really didn't know what to say. It was the most bitter-sweet moment of my whole mission! I truly do love the New York Rochester mission. It is a place where I have grown a lot! There have been so many people that have changed my life. They have helped me realize what is really important in life and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for all of my companions and the lessons I have learned from them. They have become some of my best friends and have helped me grow as a missionary and as a person. I am grateful for all the missionaries I have been able to serve with from my districts and zones. This mission has some of the best missionaries I know. Every missionary that I have been around has taught me something new. I am so grateful for the two wonderful mission presidents that I have had here. President Christianson and President Francis. I have learned and grown from the things they have taught me. I don't know exactly every detail of why I was sent here but I do know that God has a plan. It took me a long time to realize that he is in control and will take care of me because he loves me and all of his children. Luke 12:6-7
Here is my address for all those that would like to send me a letter!
Sister Melanie Morgan
Brazil Joao Pessoa Mission
Rua Deputado Jose Mariz,515
58042-02 Joao Pesson-PB
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