Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Daily Bread

John 6: 35
 "... Jesus said unto them, I am the abread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never bthirst. "  
We all have some sort of manna in our lives. Something that remind us of Jesus Christ or makes us line up our will with Gods. When we go through times that are hard we learn to trust God and to search for answers through prayer and scripture study. That daily bread is so important!  The sad thing is we put that off until the end of the day when we are not "busy", and by then we are so tired that we do not feast on the scriptures and our prayers are half hearted. This is the most important growing and strengthening time that we have!
Every day we eat our daily bread we grow just a little bit more. "...By small and simple things are great things are brought to pass..." Alma 37:6 
Seek help everyday, God is there for you and wants to help you sometimes all we have to do is just ask. Most of the time there will not be a miracle but he will be able to help you get through the day. One of my favorite things Elder D. Todd Chritofferson says is that sometimes it helps not to think to far ahead. That is something that I am really good at. I am good at planning and worrying about things that are so far away! We just need to slow down and to try and take each day at a time. We just need to do what he says and do what each day requires. Sometimes our day will become so much better and a much great learning experience as we include Jesus Christ.  "the greater blessing is to walk through it with him (Jesus Christ)."
God is patient with us so we need to be patient with ourselves. We need to remember him everyday and to partake of the daily bread. He is the bread of eternal life!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Sister Morgan, you are quite the blogger! This is super cool and a great way to spread around the love of Christ! Although, (here it comes) you should blog more about that wonderful lady you met in Tonawanda, NY who wouldn't stop hugging and kissing you!! lol j/k I believe the perfect (and privileged) way to begin your mission is to begin where the church did here in Western New York. I never realized the challenges they were up against as they traveled to reach Zion. Can you imagine the sacrifices and commitments each person made to progress this great work? You too are a pilgrim of sorts; although you don't have to travel by wagon or cart, you're not building homes, churches or temples along the way; you are building His kingdom here and bringing the Gospel to those who wouldn't necessarily have the opportunity to hear it. In that respect, my dear sister, you are a pilgrim and a true disciple and obedient daughter of Jesus Christ. Even though you're not a hugger physically; you embrace those who are willing to listen and learn with something far more satisfying. You are a true inspiration to me. I love you very much and hope during this part of your mission; you'll be able to sense the excitement, love and hope that Joseph Smith felt after he spoke with God, the Father and His son, Jesus Christ to bring forth His words and spread them among all those you encounter. I miss you so much and hope before you leave, we'll get the chance to give you one last kiss and hug for the road! Stay true to you~ Lori Clayton
